Date of birth: | Jan 27, 1971 |
Type: | Custody on/Warrant or Incident |
Jail pod location: | POD - EC MED SECURITY (FEMALE) |
Jail facility location: | RANDOLPH COUNTY JAIL |
Inmate location: | HIGH POINT JAIL |
Jail housing location: | HIGH POINT JAIL - GREEN ST |
Incarceration date: | Feb 26, 2014 |
Cd number: | 970782 |
Arresting agency: | RANDOLPH SHERIFF'S OFFICE |
Arrest date: | Mar 24, 2014 |
Arrest officer: | TOLLISON, T D |
Booking location: | Randolph County, NC |
Arresting agency: | High Point Police Department |
Arrest date: | Feb 26, 2014 |
Arrest location: | 2710 N MAIN ST |
Arrest officer: | FINN J.M. |
Arrest type: | ORDER FOR ARREST |
Booking location: | Guilford County, NC |
Offense date: | Feb 26, 2014 |
Description: | LARCENY OF PROPERTY |
Court: | 14CR069626 |
Bond type: | SECURED BOND |
Bond amount: | $100,000 |
Offense date: | Feb 26, 2014 |
Description: | FAIL TO APPEAR FELONY |
Court: | SURRY CO |
Bond type: | SECURED BOND |
Bond amount: | $50,000 |
Offense date: | Feb 26, 2014 |
Description: | FAIL TO APPEAR MISD |
Court: | RANDOLPH CO |
Bond type: | SECURED BOND |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |
Offense date: | Feb 26, 2014 |
Description: | FAIL TO APPEAR FELONY |
Court: | 11CR094699 |
Bond type: | SECURED BOND |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |
Offense description: | WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS |
Court reference: | 11CR004772 |
Bond type: | SECURED BOND |
Bond amount: | $1,000 |
Offense description: | WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS |
Court reference: | 11CR004772 |
Bond type: | SECURED BOND |
Bond amount: | $50,000 |