Randy Eugene Tollefsen

Last Updated: February 2nd, 2025
Jail Location
Caucasian Male
5′ 10″ (1.78m)
175lbs (79kg)

Personal Details

Date of birth: 1957
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Registration: 094769
Level: Level III
Comments: According to official documents, in 1980 RANDY TOLLEFSEN was arrested for having sexual contact with several young males. The first of the charged offenses involved an 8 year old boy and took place at TOLLEFSEN'S home. In addition to this victim, other boys described TOLLEFSEN sexually abusing them during his employment as a camp counselor. TOLLEFSEN plead guilty to one count of Indecent Liberties which encompassed four victims, ages 7 through 10. TOLLEFSEN received a ten year deferred sentence. In 1984 while under supervision and treatment for the above described behavior, TOLLEFSEN was reported by four different boys, ages 6 through 12, to have committed various acts of sexual abuse with them. These offenses took place at TOLLEFSEN'S residence. TOLLEFSEN plead guilty to all five counts. He was sentenced to an indeterminate sentence not to exceed 20 years on the two counts of Statutory Rape and 10 years on the three counts of Indecent Liberties. The sentence was suspended with the condition that TOLLEFSEN enter into and successfully complete the Western State Hospital Sex Offender Program and follow all conditions set. Although TOLLEFSEN progressed through the inpatient program and entered the work release component in July 1988, it was discovered that he had acquired a photo essay book containing images of male and female children in various stages of undress. TOLLEFSEN was subsequently terminated from treatment. The court imposed the sentence and TOLLEFSEN was incarcerated in the Department of Corrections. He was released into the Spokane community in February, 2005. He remained on supervision through the Department of Corrections until July 2005. Beginning in August of 2005 TOLLEFSEN attended a church in Spokane without disclosing to the pastor, or anyone else, that he had a history of committing sex offenses. TOLLEFSEN began participating in various church related activities that brought him into contact with young males, and he was observed in the company of young males on several occasions. A doctor's evaluation of TOLLEFSEN in December of 2005 states knowing TOLLEFSEN'S history, TOLLEFSEN was likely to commit acts of predatory sexual violence in the near future should he not be confined in a secure facility. TOLLEFSEN was subsequently detained under RCW 71.09 and stipulated to civil commitment in May of 2006. He has participated in the treatment program at the SCC since that time. This current notification is being done because TOLLEFSEN has been authorized to leave the Secure Commitment Center (SCC) on McNeil Island and reside at the Secure Community Transition Facility (SCTF) on McNeil Island which has less supervision. TOLLEFSEN will be escorted when he leaves his secure housing and is also on community supervision through the Department of Corrections (DOC). Due to TOLLEFSEN'S sexual criminal history he has been classified as a LEVEL 3 Sex Offender.
Classification: Level III

Documented Aliases

Randy Eugene Tollefson

Known addresses

Steilacoom, WA 98388

Recent Arrests

Arresting agency: Pierce County Sheriff's Office
Booking location: Pierce County, WA

Booking number: 094769
Jail name: Indiana Sheriffs Association
Location: 147 Maryland St, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Recent Charges

Convicted date: Feb 6, 1986
State: Washington

Convicted date: Dec 12, 1980
State: Washington

Other charges

Description: 9A.44.100 - Indecent liberties.,
Date convicted: Nov 8, 1985
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A

Description: 9A.44.100 - Indecent liberties.,
Date convicted: Feb 7, 1986
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A

Description: 9A.44.070 - Statutory Rape in the first degree
Date convicted: Feb 7, 1986
Conviction state: Washington
Charges: N/A


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